Attorney, Arbitrator and Mediator

​​Regina Waynes Joseph
Regina Waynes Joseph ha​s had a diverse and distinguished career spanning over thirty years. Prior to becoming an attorney, Ms. Joseph worked for non-profit corporations, municipal governments and universities specializing in the design, development and delivery of employment and training programs, economic development with particular emphasis on small and minority businesses and civil rights advocacy.
An attorney since 1990, Ms. Joseph is an Arbitrator and Mediator and practices law primarily in the areas of labor and employment litigation, corporate and not for profit, education, civil rights and entertainment law. From 2006-2007, she served as Temporary Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of Orange Township, New Jersey.
J.D., Rutgers School of Law - Newark, 1989
M.A., Personnel/Organizational Psychology
Columbia University, Teachers College, 1980
B.A., College of Mount Saint Vincent, 1971
New York
New Jersey
​Regina Waynes Joseph Attorney At Law
1995 - Present
Murray Murray & Corrigan
​1990 - 1995
Ms. Joseph arbitrates and mediates commercial, contract, construction, civil rights and employment disputes. An attorney for over thirty years, she is a litigator and negotiator specializing in labor and employment litigation, corporate and not-for-profit, education, civil rights and entertainment law. ​
Past and present representative clients include New Jersey municipalities; housing authorities; multi-state airport book vendor; New York religious corporations; construction and steel corporations; employers and employees in employment discrimination, civil rights and severance cases; artists and entertainers in contract and copyright infringement cases.
Ms. Joseph represented a California artist in a 4-year copyright infringement, licensing, breach of contract and related state law claims litigation in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York against New York and California recording companies and executives resulting in settlement on terms favorable to her client. She defended a Pennsylvania steel contractor's $2.4 million contract award against a bid challenge in which the New Jersey state court refused to enjoin or overturn award. As General Counsel for a New York religious corporation, she litigated equipment lease contracts, closed permanent loan from construction mortgage, including settling and clearing all real estate liens. Ms. Joseph also serves as a Condemnation Commissioner appointed by New Jersey state court to fix compensation for property taken by eminent domain. She litigates construction contract claims on behalf of owners and contractors. Negotiated settlement for client against an airline which transported deceased remains to an airport out of the United States mainland in error.
​Prior to her career as an attorney, Ms. Joseph served as Director, Economic Development and Employment for the Urban League of Essex County in Newark, New Jersey; National Director of the National Urban League's Older Worker Employment Program with staff sites in Birmingham, Alabama and Rochester, New York; and Associate Director, Programs and Field Services, National Urban League, where as deputy to the Vice President, she assisted in managing the Programs and Training Departments and the relationship between the National Urban League and its 113 affiliates in 34 states and the District of Columbia.
For the City of East Orange, New Jersey, Ms. Joseph directed the Office of Affirmative Action as Compliance Officer. Her long association with Columbia University began at the start of her career as Counselor then Coordinator of Supportive Services for the Ford Foundation funded Community Educational Exchange Program at the Urban Center. She later served as a Consultant for the Institute for Life Coping Skills, Inc. at Teachers College, Columbia University and continued a consultant relationship with the Institute for over fifteen years.
Alternative Dispute Resolution Experience Arbitrator, FINRA, 2015; arbitrate employment and securities disputes in securities industry. Hurricane Sandy Mediator, U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey, 2014-present; mediate property damage claims in litigation. Mediator, New York and New Jersey Super Storm Sandy Mediation Programs, 2013 - present; mediate property damage insurance claims between insurers and policyholders resulting from Super Storm Sandy. R. 1:40 Qualified Mediator, Roster of New Jersey Court-Approved Civil Mediators, 2013 - present; employment, construction, civil rights, LAD, contract/commercial, entertainment, intellectual property. Panel Member, New York City Contract Dispute Resolution Board, Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings, 2011-present; determine disputes between New York City and contractors. Arbitrator, National Panel of Neutrals, American Arbitration Association, 2009-2015; employment and commercial panels. Member, New Jersey Supreme Court Committee on Complementary Dispute Resolution, 2002-2013. Certified Federal Mediator, U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey, 2000-present; mediate employment discrimination, civil rights and commercial cases. Member, Vice Chair and Chair, New Jersey Supreme Court District VC Fee Arbitration Committee, 2000-2004; arbitrated fee disputes between attorneys and clients. Member, New Jersey Supreme Court District VC Ethics Committee, 1995-1999; investigated ethics charges against attorneys; filed complaints, if applicable; presented complaints before New Jersey Supreme Court Disciplinary Review Board. Hearing Officer, retained by New Jersey municipalities to hear personnel related charges against non-represented and union civilian and uniformed employees and police disciplinary cases. Represent management clients in grievance and police and fire interest arbitration proceedings.
Alternative Dispute Resolution Training 22nd Annual Continuing Education Mediation Seminar, Superior Court of New Jersey, Union Vicinage, 2023; Best and Latest Case Management Techniques, 17th Fordham Law School Annual Conference on International Arbitration & Mediation, 2022; Ukraine and Accountability Under International Law, 17th Fordham Law School Annual Conference on International Arbitration & Mediation, 2022; Arbitrating Disputes with International Organizations: Cur(io) or Embrogl(io)?, ASIL, 2022; SVAMC Panelists Debate: Proposed Procedures for Changing the Allocation of Power between Parties and Tribunals in High Tech Arbitrations, SVAMC, 2022; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Redux: The Myth of One Career Path?, New York Arbitration Week, 2022; Choosing Wisely: The Challenge of Interim Measures in International Arbitration, NYIAC & CIArb-NY, 2022; Impact of the U.S. Supreme Court on Arbitration in the United States, New York City Bar Assoc., 2022; Arbitration Is All About Autonomy—But, Is It?, New York Arbitration Week, 2022; Dawn of Cyborg Resolution? Changing Roles for Arbitrator, Administrator and AI in Blockchain, Crypto and Cyberverse Disputes, JAMS, 2022; Charting the Path to Efficient Resolution of Investment Disputes in Latin America: Who is in Charge?, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, in collaboration with TozziniFreire Advogados, 2022; 21st Annual Continuing Education Mediation Seminar, Superior Court of New Jersey, Union Vicinage, 2022; Tools for Advancing Equity: Engaging in the Elimination of Bias, New Jersey Judiciary, 2021; Technology in Arbitral Hearings: The Future is Here, Fordham International Arbitration and Mediation Conference, 2021; Jura Novit Curia: (How) Does This Principle Apply in International Arbitration?, Fordham International Arbitration and Mediation Conference, 2021; Special Side Event: Launch of the IMI/CCA/Straus Mixed Mode Task Force Reports, Fordham International Arbitration and Mediation Conference, 2021; SVAMC Panelists Debate Hot Issues Involving Technology Arbitrations, Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center, 2021; Getting It Right in International Arbitration, New York International Arbitration Center and Chartered Institute of Arbitrators New York Branch, 2021; Dispelling Myths: Enforcement of Latin American Arbitration Awards in the United States and U.S. Arbitration Awards in Latin America, New York City Bar Association, 2021; The Competition: International Arbitration, International Commercial Courts and the Singapore Convention, Singapore International Arbitration Centre, 2021; Oxford-Style Debate on Res Judicata in International Arbitration, American Society of International Law, 2021; Top 10 Tips on How to Make an Award Work: Lessons from the ICC Scrutiny Process, ICC International Court of Arbitration, 2021; 20th Annual Continuing Education Mediation Seminar, Superior Court of New Jersey, Union Vicinage, 2021; Diversity & Inclusion in Law Practice 2020, Practicing Law Institute; ICDR® Americas Conference, International Centre for Dispute Resolution/AAA, Tertulia Sessions – Focus on the ICDR Arbitration Rule Revisions, Corporate Counsel Dialogue, 2020; Does 28 U.S.C. § 1782 Apply to Private International Commercial Arbitrations? A Mock U.S. Supreme Court Argument, Fordham Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation, 2020; Combinations and Permutations: Creating a Solution-Driven Dispute Resolution Process, Fordham Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation, 2020; Virtual Hot Tubbing – Panel-Appointed Experts: Arbitrators Debate, You Decide, Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center, 2020; Non-signatories Before and After Arbitration; Compelling Arbitration ~ Enforcing Awards, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators New York Branch and New York International Arbitration Center, 2020; Viability of Virtual Arbitration: Reviewing Trends, Sharing Experiences and Debating Best Practices, JAMS, 2020; In-House Counsel’s Virtual Roundtable – Discussion on Approaches to International Arbitration, American Arbitration Association/ICDR, 2020; Anti-Racism and the Mediator’s Role: Irreconcilable Differences or Ethical Imperative?, New York State Dispute Resolution Association, Inc., U.S. District Court, Eastern District of NY ADR Department, Columbia Law School, 2020; 19th Annual Continuing Education Mediation Seminar, Superior Court of New Jersey, Union Vicinage, 2019; 18th Annual Continuing Education Mediation Seminar, Superior Court of New Jersey, Union Vicinage, 2018; 12th Annual Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation - Facing the Future in International Arbitration, Fordham Law School, 2017; 17th Annual Continuing Education Mediation Seminar, Superior Court of New Jersey, Union Vicinage, 2017; Basic Arbitrator & Expungement Training (Parts I-III), Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), 2015; 15th Annual Continuing Education Mediation Seminar, Superior Court of New Jersey, Union Vicinage, 2015; U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey, Hurricane Sandy ADR Symposium, 2015; AAA/International Centre for Dispute Resolution, International Court of Arbitration, and International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, The 31st Annual Joint Colloquium on International Arbitration, 2014; United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, Hurricane Sandy ADR Training, 2014; 14th Annual Continuing Education Mediation Seminar, Superior Court of New Jersey, Union Vicinage, 2014; Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, NBA Mediation Skills Training, 2012; Practising Law Institute, Securities Arbitration, 2011; National Bar Association Certified Panel of Arbitrators Training, National Bar Association Convention, 2011; Practising Law Institute, International Arbitration, 2011; Fifth Annual Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation, Fordham Law School, 2010; AAA Arbitration Awards: Safeguarding, Deciding & Writing Awards, 2009; AAA Arbitration Fundamentals and Best Practices for New Arbitrators, 2009; United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, Training for Certified Federal Mediators, 2000.